PSA Consultation on Business Plan 2018/19

The regulator is currently consulting on its business plan for 2018/19. The PSA seem to live in  bubble where they are unaware of the scale of consumer dissatisfaction. It is estimated that only about 2% of defrauded consumers take the time to make a complaint. Whilst the regulator lacks effectiveness, they continue to pat themselves on the back for doing a good job!

I am making a submission as an interested consumer and I would urge others to do the same. The regulator needs to understand that there is a serious problem here and that consumers need a reliable method of obtaining a resolution when they dispute a Payforit transaction.

My response to the consultation can be read here.

The closing date for responses is 26th January 2018. Instructions for submitting responses are in section 8 of the consultation document, and are also reproduced below.

8. Consultation Process
8.1. Please structure your consultation response as answers to the following questions:

Q1 – Do our plans for 2018/19 sufficiently deliver our role as a regulator? What else do you think we should be doing or not doing?

Q2 – Do you have any comments on the proposed budget for 2018/19? If you recommend any changes, please clearly identify which areas of activity you expect this to impact upon.

Q3 – Do you have any comments on the proposed levy for 2018/19?

Q4 – What is your view on the estimated size of the market for 2018/19?

Q5 – Do you have any other comments on the Business Plan and Budget 2018/19?

8.2. We plan to publish the outcome of this consultation and to make available all responses received. If you want all, or part, of your submission to remain confidential, please clearly identify where this applies along with your reasons for doing so.

8.3. The closing date for responses is 26 January 2018, which is designed to allow the time necessary to issue notices regarding changes to the levy in good time for the start of the financial year on 1 April 2018.

8.4. Where possible, comments should be submitted in writing and sent by email to:
Copies may also be sent by mail to:
Peter Barker
Director of Corporate Services and Operations
Phone-paid Services Authority
25th Floor, 40 Bank Street
Canary Wharf
London E14 5NR
Tel: 020 7940 7405
If you have any queries about this consultation please telephone or email Peter Barker using the above contact details.

My response to the consultation. Feel free to use this as a model if you also wish to make a response.

This site is no longer active. It remains to document the "Payforit" scams that plagued the mobile phone network between 2015 and 2021. Payforit has been consigned to history, and there are now few complaints about "Phone Paid Services". The scammers have moved on, mainly to Paypal where the usual suspects are still active. The regulator is being disbanded, and responsibility for policing phone paid services will, in the future, rest with OFCOM. Clicking on this message will take you to the website which contains more up to date information.
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